reede, märts 17, 2006


Uskuge või mitte, aga täna sai Chuck ise roundhouse kicki sisse! Mingi ülbe japunn tuleb meie iidolil juurde jalaga vehkima?? Aga ta sai selle eest!


Anonymous Anonüümne said...

Some Chuck Norris jokes:

Chuck Norris wakes up not with a morning wood, but a morning tree.

Chuck Norris can bench press a thousand pounds while masturbating.

Chuck Norris once achieved an erection....There were no survivors

Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.

12:24 AM  
Blogger Crazy Frog. said...

Jokes? wtd, mate?
These are all facts, n00bzor.

3:36 AM  

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